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Posted by : Unknown
domingo, 17 de março de 2013
Opinião: Se houvesse no mínimo Justiça verdadeira nesse nosso país a sociedade sem dúvida teria uma vida melhor. Culpados condenados e o povo que paga satisfeito.
(I think this image portrays well about the Brazilian justice system, slow and unfair, so there is flexibility to convict guilty, not being easily accessible for everyone and a bureaucracy that spans several pages. A justice that serves the rich and powerful. Fantastic Sunday 17 showed that this lack prosecutors in cities to help those who can not afford private lawyers, where you have to eat to live, those who are most affected by this lack of commitment with his Brazilian society, cheated and forgotten by government already gives so little, could at least make the system more efficient. A system that does not undergo reform for many years, but have your bills paid every month. There should be demonstrations Brasileiras for a new reform, agility and competence who has the right, but we see it all happen and remain silent and paying more for a service rendered poorly in Brazil.
Opinion: If there was at least true justice in this country our society no doubt would have a better life. Guilty and condemned the people who paid satisfied.)